On behalf of the Scientific Committees of the EUROMAR and AMPERE organisations, we are delighted to welcome you to EUROMAR 2022 in Utrecht, The Netherlands!
Our meeting will take place from 10-14 July 2022. Together with our partners, we will provide a stimulating forum to exchange on the most recent breakthroughs in magnetic resonance and to showcase the latest developments of our industrial sponsors. After two virtual meetings, our mission is to organize a fully live event but our preparations also include backup options (online or hybrid). Stay tuned to this web site for latest information.
See you all in Utrecht in July 2022 !
The local organizers:
Marc Baldus – Alexandre Bonvin – Markus Weingarth – Hugo van Ingen – Andrei Gurinov – Geeske Badart
Save the date

Euromar is an annual international meeting about Magnetic Resonance. It is organised by Euromar, a subdivision of the Groupement Ampere. The meetings are held in July in different locations within Europe, welcoming participants from the entire world.

Euromar covers all aspects of Magnetic Resonance, including Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). It combines keynote and invited lectures, lectures selected from abstracts and poster sessions. It is the European conference to discuss all aspects of Magnetic Resonance and network with vendors and colleagues.

Utrecht is the ideal city for international gatherings. The central location and unique historical setting make Utrecht – also known as ‘Domstad’ or ‘Dom City’ after the iconic Dom Tower – an obvious meeting place. Utrecht offers truly everything it takes to make a successful conference that you will remember.